Problem Management — examples
Economic Expansion

A Growing Empire

Ray Butterworth     2011-Jun-28
The Papacy is not other than the Ghost of the deceased Roman Empire, sitting crowned upon the grave thereof. — Thomas Hobbes (1588-1679)
In the eyes of empire builders, men are not men but instruments. — Napoleon Bonaparte (1769-1821)


In the spirit of the times, the first year of the third millennium, I wrote a summary of where I thought the world was headed (Economic Collapse). It surprises even me that so much of what I predicted then either has happened or is in the process of happening today, nearly 10 years later. Virtually everything I wrote then is just as true today, the specific facts being even worse now than they were then.

The American economy and society continue to deteriorate at an even greater rate (and my predictions were made before the 9-11 terrorist attacks, before the housing bubble collapsed, and before the banks and automobile companies failed).

Europe continues to unite and Germany gains power every day (and these predictions were made before there was even any Euro currency).

The Roman church continually gains power and new members (and these predictions were made before there was a German Pope, one who is actively recruiting for the Church, even converting entire Anglican congregations in Britain).

I had thought of writing a tenth-anniversary update, but world events seem to be happening so quickly that I'm publishing it now, two months early.


The United States of America has operated for nearly 250 years under a constitution that can be written on a few sheets of paper. For the most part it is very simple and can be understood by most citizens (even if not by some Supreme Court judges). The constitution of the United States of Europe already occupies hundreds of thousands of pages and is continually changing. No one can possibly understand it in its entirety. But buried in that massive documentation are laws that remove traditional rights and powers from the member nations, and other laws that give special rights and powers to Germany. Britain's Magna Carta and common law are now superseded by European law. No member country may use their armed forces outside of Europe without Germany's permission.

Some of the member nations are just beginning to realize what has happened to them, that it is already too late to do anything about it.

Countries adopting the common Euro currency implicitly gave up their domestic economic control. Countries such as Greece had for centuries run their economies by routinely using currency devaluation to reduce their government debt. But suddenly they no longer have that economic tool and they are now forced to follow Germany's new rules in order to avoid bankruptcy and national collapse. While it's amazing that these countries didn't see this coming, it would be even more amazing if Germany hadn't planned this all along.

Everything Germany does is presented as being for the common good of Europe. Germany isn't conquering Europe, it is leading it into a prosperous future. And what we've seen so far is just the beginning.

The Fourth Reich

Long before the collapse of the German army during World War II, the German elite (not Hitler) revised their plans for world domination. (See US Military Intelligence report EW-Pa 128.) Having failed them once again, it had become obvious that military force wouldn't work; the way to Germany's future empire had to be economic. German industrialists quickly expanded to South America, Africa, and the Middle East.

Following the war many Germans moved to these countries, building up new industries and strengthening economic ties. Most of the Nazi ruling class retained their positions within German government and society, were hired by industrialists as advisors, or were smuggled via Vatican agencies out of Europe and into more friendly countries. At home Germany was no longer allowed to manufacture arms and other military equipment, but no such restrictions applied in their new colonies.

Today Germany, and indirectly much of Europe, has very strong economic ties outside the continent. South America can safely ignore North America. It speaks the same language and uses the same measurement system as Europe, and more importantly, it shares the same religion. Any increase in the power that Germany or the Vatican holds can only benefit the other. South America is a vast source of natural resources and labour that can pump the European economy for decades to come.

Middle East

During World War II, the Nazi government was closely allied with many of the Arabic countries. (That's one of the reasons there is so much hatred of Jews there now; for centuries before that, the Arabs and Jews mostly got along peaceably.) Following the war, many German industrialists and advisers helped shape the economies of these countries (not to mention some of the politics and governments, such as bringing Nasser to power in Egypt), and trade between them has prospered ever since.

Countries such as Turkey, Saudi Arabia, Lebanon, and Jordan will continue their relationship with Germany and Europe, the Arabians in particular having large investments in Europe, but in the next few years there will be mounting pressure from other Islamic countries for their loyalties, especially against Israel.

Egypt's President Mubarak continued the Nobel Prize winning peace treaties with Israel that had been established by his predecessor, Sadat, creating relative peace in the Middle East for many decades. But with his ouster, there will be pressure on Egypt to return to its former policies against Israel.


We think of Africa and Europe as two very different places, but Italy is only 125 km from Tunisia (less than the distance from San Diego to Los Angeles) and only 250 km from Libya. For decades German industries have worked closely with north African countries, supplying technology and extracting oil and other resources.

The Arab Spring currently under way in northern African countries is not going to result in what most people naïvely think. (And note that Germany is one European country not directly participating in the military conflict; they don't want to jeopardize their investments.) Democracy might soon appear in these countries but it will be very short lived. Terrorist groups, such as the Muslim Brotherhood will be elected to power and there will no longer be any need for democracy. Tunisia, Libya, Egypt, and perhaps parts of Sudan and Ethiopia will become fundamentalist theocracies.

Meanwhile, Iran, which has sponsored most Middle East terrorist groups for decades, will complete its occupation of Iraq, which was nicely prepared and presented to them by George Bush. Iran will become closely allied with these North African countries, and will retain its spiritual leadership position for a while, but likely Egypt, with a charismatic leader, will eventually take Iran's place.

North America

North America will continue its downhill path. The Euro will replace the Dollar as the world's standard currency and that will trigger a huge economic disaster. America, already hated by almost everyone, will be the poor man of the world, and receive little sympathy. If it is lucky, Europe might decide to occupy it as a colony, or use it as a source of cheap slave labour, but that's only if Europe considers it worth the effort to save. It might be easier to simply ignore the situation. Japan and China will be using all the Pacific oil, while Europe will be getting its oil from South America and Africa. Why should anyone care about isolated and abandoned America? Perhaps the United States will invade Canada for its tar sands oil or even for its fresh water, but generally the economies of both countries will be quickly going down the tubes.


As Europe becomes more and more consolidated, powerful, and prosperous, so too will much of the Islamic world. This will lead to various conflicts. Encouraged by their Arabian allies, eventually Germany and the Vatican will be forced to step in when Israel faces annihilation from its neighbours, occupying the land as peacekeeping troops and spiritual negotiators and caretakers, in what will effectively be a final and victorious crusade.

The fundamentalist Islamic world will realize just how dependent Europe is on nearby African oil and minerals. They will use this power against Europe for their own gain, but eventually they'll push a little too hard and Europe will react.

Blitzkrieg is a term associated with Germany's lightening war tactics during World War II. What happened then will seem tame in comparison to what will soon happen. The interminable mini-wars of George Bush and the relatively tame NATO attacks in Libya will seem like nothing. This will be a war in which Europeans aren't afraid of dying or of killing. The war will end almost as quickly as it started, and just as in previous wars between little Israel and its huge Arab neighbours, it will be the Islamic world that suffers a vast amount of damage.


While all this has been going on, the Asian countries will have been building their own trade markets and empires, relatively independently of the rest of the world. The European victory will leave Europe as potentially a much larger super power than it was, especially with the success of the ecumenical movement, which has returned the eastern Orthodox church and many protestant churches to the Vatican's control. This will be of great concern to Asia, especially if they feel their oil and mineral supplies from Arabia, southern Africa, and South America might be endangered.

China, Japan, India, and Russia, may form much closer ties. They may one day even be forced into a land war against the European Empire (perhaps called the Holy Roman Empire by then). In World War II, 10% of Canada's population was in the military, so given the huge Asian population, an army of 200 million would not be unreasonable. The armies would meet, where else, but in the Middle East, likely in Israel itself. A convenient staging area might be the Jezreel Valley, near Har Megiddo.