Filippine Adobo Chicken

Photograph of plated dish.
Chicken Thighs, with rice and avocado-stuffed peppers.


Refrigerate for ideally overnight, but at least one hour.


  1. Arrange chicken pieces skin-side down in a wide pan with lid.
  2. Add marinade and spices.
  3. Heat to boiling.
  4. Cover, reduce heat, and simmer for 20 minutes, avoiding high temperatures.
  5. Remove chicken, and boil liquid until most of the water is gone 10–15 minutes.
  6. Return chicken and fry for about 5 minutes.

Alternative method

  1. Use a zip bag for marinating.
  2. Instead of heating in pan, sous vide the bag for 2–3 hours at 165°F.
  3. Continue with traditional reduction and browning.


Plate on steamed rice.